Monday, March 30, 2020

Tuesday, 31st March


 Dear parents and caretakers,

Please check a new video in Arabic by Ms. Najla, one of the school counselors under the 'Counseling Team' tab. If you have trouble accessing it, please email me. Also, note that I have created a new tab for photos where I will regularly update student photos doing the blog activities. Please continue sending me photos and checking the tab weekly.


Play the following morning greeting message from Ms. Nazish:

Please click here for today's song

Play the following story called, 'Why Can't I Go to School?'

Narrated by Ms. Nazish Nabeel

Activity One:

Mathematics (Counting/Measurement)

Materials: A jug, a cup, water, paper, pencil

Beginning: Show the jug to the child and ask him/her how many cups of water

does he/she think may fill the jug? Once the child gives an estimate, ask him/her

to draw as many tally marks as his/her estimate on a paper.

Middle: Ask the child to fill the cup with water (from the tap or another big

container) and start pouring it in the jug, one cup at a time. Ask the child to count

the number of cups of water as he/she is pouring in.

End: In the end ask the child to draw as many tally marks as the number of cups

he/she poured into the jug.

Extension: The child compares if it took more or fewer cups to fill the jug than

his/her estimate.

How to Draw Tally Marks:

Brain Break:

Activity Two:

Science (Experiment)

Materials: 2 cups cornstarch, 3 drops food coloring and 1 cup of water

Beginning: Let the child know that you will be making something gooey that is a little bit like slime. It can feel like a solid when you hold it in a ball, but it becomes liquidy when you let your hand go loose. It takes the shape of whatever is holding it. Introduce the materials to him/her.

Middle: Mix the cornstarch and water until your oobleck is formed.

(Tip: If you would like to color your oobleck, add your food coloring to the water and then mix with the cornstarch)

End: Give the child a five minutes warning before the end of the activity and let him/her help you clean up afterward.

Note: Oobleck is fun to work with because it turns solid when you squeeze it in your hand but turns into a liquid when you open your hand and let it go.

Extension: Add toys in the oobleck and introduce vocabulary words like gooey, slimy, solid, liquid as the child explores moving the toys in the oobleck

Materials Needed for Tomorrow Activities:

Activity One:

2 tbsp of white glue, 1 tbsp washing soap (Persil), bowl, spoon

Activity Two:

Different sizes of yarn/string/shoelace

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