Language & Literacy: Reading
Duration: 10 - 15 minutes
Materials: Book - We are Going on a Bear Hunt (If you do not have a hard copy of the book, please find the video of the book below)
Beginning: Go through the pictures in the book without reading the words. (Mute the video if you do not have a hard copy of the book and are watching the video)
Middle: Turn the volume on or read the words in the book if you have a hard copy. Acknowledge children’s ideas as you go. Make them predict what may happen next in the story as you go through the book/video.
End: Recall the story. Ask and answer questions related to the book.
Press here for the link to the book
Fine motor skills: Spooning
Duration: 15 minutes
Materials: a spoon, rice/ small pasta/ beans, two bowls
Beginning: Introduce the activity by telling the children that they would be transferring the rice/ small pasta/ beans from one bowl to another using the spoon.
Middle: The child transfers the materials from one bowl to another.
End: Let them transfer it back to the first bowl.
(This activity helps with the development of fine motor skills as well as hand-eye coordination).
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