Friday, March 13, 2020

Thursday, 19th March

Please play the following morning greeting message from Ms. Nazish:

Click here for today's song 

Note: The above song is an 'I Love You Ritual.' I do this activity with children every now and then to form connections with them.  Make sure you establish eye contact while doing the above song activity with your child. Eye contact, touch, and playful situations are important ingredients in forming connections with children. 


Mathematics: Patterning 

Duration: 10 - 15 minutes

Materials: forks, spoons 

Beginning: Let the children know that they will be making patterns. You can start forming an alternating pattern with a fork and a spoon (Fork - spoon - fork - spoon)

Middle: Ask the child to continue the pattern you started.

End: Encourage the child to make his/her own pattern. 

( It can be a simple pattern:

Fork-spoon-fork-spoon-fork-spoon .. 


It can be a complex pattern :


Sample Picture:

Brain Break:


Science:  Making Play Dough 

Duration: 15 minutes


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup salt
  • 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil 
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Quart sized bags to store

Procedure: Let the children mix and knead all the ingredients together. 

This is a multipurpose activity that helps children measure (Mathematics), experiment and predict (Science) and use the muscles in their hands to knead and squeeze (Fine motor skills)

Note: If the play dough is too sticky, add more flour and a little bit of more oil to get the right consistency.

Watch the following video of me and my son making play dough together 😊

Follow up: We will be doing a follow-up math activity with the play dough on Sunday.

Useful Tip for Parents:

Daily Routine in Early Years

A regular daily routine is a framework for teaching and learning. It frees children and adults from worrying about what comes next, and it enables them to use their creative energies on the task at hand. The HighScope daily routine in our Early Years is designed to accomplish several key goals with the help of picture cards. It provides a consistent, predictable sequence of events that gives children a sense of control over what happens next and a stable and secure psychological environment within which they are free to make choices and initiate activities.

It was developed to help participants in HighScope programs to understand the importance of a consistent environment for children, and to provide them with the strategies for successful implementation of a daily routine in their settings. At the same time, there is enough flexibility that children feel neither rushed nor slowed down in carrying out their activities. Most important, children make choices - within reasonable limits – during each part of the day. Because the activities build on the children’s interests and abilities, they know they have a say in the learning experience. Children in HighScope programs feel that the daily routine belongs to them.

Creating a daily family routine/schedule cards at home would benefit the children to transit from one activity to another smoothly. You can make the family routine cards with your child to keep consistency at home.

You may print out the daily routine visuals online from the link shared below or you may take pictures of your child doing an activity and use them as routine cards, or you can also help your child draw their own visual routine cards.

Ms. Zarmeena Aamir
Early Years Coordinator

Materials needed for Sunday's activities:


Serving tray

Play dough

Rolling pin (optional)

Shape cookie cutters (optional)

Plastic knife

Have a safe weekend! πŸ˜„

1 comment:

  1. Hello PreK - A mommies,

    This is Ms. Nazish. Please feel free to leave your comments here :)


Thursday, 30th April

Today is the last day of the academic year and what a year it has been Pre-K A! I could not have asked for a better group of students. I wi...