Friday, March 13, 2020

Wednesday, 18th March

Please play the following morning greeting message from Ms. Nazish:

Please click here for the song


Language & Literacy: Name Writing 

Duration: 15 minutes

Materials: Pencil, paper

Beginning: You write down your child’s name on the paper (First letter upper case and the rest lower case).

Middle: The child copies his/her name. ( If your child is unable to write down his/her name, just focus on the beginning letter. That is what we were doing at school with them. If he/she is able to write the first name without looking, you may encourage him/her to write the last name or the name of a family member).

End: Talk about each letter of their name and its sound. 

Note: Pay attention to the pencil grip. Encourage your child to hold the pencil in a tripod grasp like the following image.

Choose any two of the following movements 😜


Fine motor skills: Lacing 

Duration: 10 - 15 minutes


1) Pipecleaner/shoelace/ a piece of yarn/ string (any one of these)

2) Penne pasta/ beads with holes/ cheerios (any one of these)

Beginning: Let the children know that they will be lacing pasta on to the string.

Middle: Let the children lace the pasta one by one by passing the string through the hole of each pasta piece.

End: Acknowledge their ideas. You may count how many pasta pieces are there on the string. 

(This activity helps children develop their fine motor muscles and also their hand-eye coordination).

Sample video for the activity:

Materials needed for tomorrow's activities:

Activity one:

Forks and spoons

Activity two:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup salt
  • 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil 
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Quart sized bags to store

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