Friday, March 13, 2020

Tuesday, 17th March

Please play the following morning greeting message from Ms. Nazish:

Click here for the song


Creative art: Draw your family

Duration: 15 minutes

Materials: Crayons or pencil, paper 

Beginning: Start the activity by talking about all the members in the child's family. Discuss their features/similarities and differences. 

Middle: The children start drawing each family member (they may want to draw a pet or extended family member as well).

End: Talk about the shape of the people's faces, their height, hair, eye color etc.

This activity helps the children understand that we all look different from each other.

Brain Break Activity:


Pretend Play: Re-enactment of the story ‘We are Going on a Bear Hunt'.

Duration: 10 minutes

You can support your child by following this link

Pretend to go on a hunt of your own. Ask the child what is he/she hunting for. The children can be very creative with their imagination. Pretend to hunt for whatever they suggested. Pretend to cross all the hurdles mentioned in the book. The children can suggest some other hurdles of their own to cross. In the end, when they find whatever animal they were hunting for, pretend to run away from it by crossing all the hurdles again.

(This activity helps the children develop their imagination, language and the skill to recall what happened in the story)

Note: Materials needed for tomorrow's activities -

Activity one:

Paper and pencil

Activity two:

1) Pipecleaner/shoelace/ a piece of yarn/ string (any one of these)

2) Penne pasta/ beads with holes/ cheerios (any one of these)

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Thursday, 30th April

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